Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
(Grrrrr....my chinese input got problem again)
~Nvm,i still can use my broken english~
~yesterday play at meetoto with frenz untill so crazy~
~we curse ppl, sing funny song, "Ba" "xiao mei mei",dirty joke,prentend DJ~
~whatever we normal didnt dare to do,we did there..(the follower of KRAUSER)
~the benefit of online games?LOL~

~take all this photo when riding "lan che" with family at genting.
~i like the lighting effect that i get.
~have use photoshop to make some LOMO FEEL~
~remind me what Natalie Portman has mention in a movie call "The Closer".Which is didn't relate with my photo..
~she said "photography is a Lie, it is a bunch of sad strangers photographed beautifully...and all the glittering assholes who appreciate art...say it's beautiful because that is what they want to see. But the people in the photos are sad...and alone..but the pictures make the world seem beautiful.....
~is it truth?actually i got abit agree with her..XP
(Grrrrr....my chinese input got problem again)
~Nvm,i still can use my broken english~
~yesterday play at meetoto with frenz untill so crazy~
~we curse ppl, sing funny song, "Ba" "xiao mei mei",dirty joke,prentend DJ~
~whatever we normal didnt dare to do,we did there..(the follower of KRAUSER)
~the benefit of online games?LOL~

~take all this photo when riding "lan che" with family at genting.
~i like the lighting effect that i get.
~have use photoshop to make some LOMO FEEL~
~remind me what Natalie Portman has mention in a movie call "The Closer".Which is didn't relate with my photo..
~she said "photography is a Lie, it is a bunch of sad strangers photographed beautifully...and all the glittering assholes who appreciate art...say it's beautiful because that is what they want to see. But the people in the photos are sad...and alone..but the pictures make the world seem beautiful.....
~is it truth?actually i got abit agree with her..XP
Monday, September 8, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Juz some of my drawin
是用photoshop cs3 / wacom画的~

By taro666 at 2008-09-04

By taro666 at 2008-09-04

By taro666 at 2008-09-04

By taro666 at 2008-09-04
kuso的战魔-(artline pen,marker)

By taro666, shot with NIKON D40 at 2008-09-04

By taro666 at 2008-09-04

By taro666 at 2008-09-04

By taro666 at 2008-09-04

By taro666 at 2008-09-04
kuso的战魔-(artline pen,marker)

By taro666, shot with NIKON D40 at 2008-09-04
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Molly Qee..

I have a Qee, i think her name is Molly Bee
She have only 2.5 inch height
Wonder why she always climb up to the window
And staring at outside
Although as i knew it is only houses, some trees, cars, and sky
Maybe she can see further more than me
Or maybe she is thinking something
Usually she will wearing her huge flowery crown
That almost same height with her
But when Bee feel emo, she will hide herself inside her crown
Stay at her huge crown for a long time
And after that she will be ok
So, this is my ordinary story of my molly, BEE.
She have only 2.5 inch height
Wonder why she always climb up to the window
And staring at outside
Although as i knew it is only houses, some trees, cars, and sky
Maybe she can see further more than me
Or maybe she is thinking something
Usually she will wearing her huge flowery crown
That almost same height with her
But when Bee feel emo, she will hide herself inside her crown
Stay at her huge crown for a long time
And after that she will be ok
So, this is my ordinary story of my molly, BEE.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Shoot on model (SUNWAY PYRAMID)
很多时候,巧遇总会发生,让人感到惊喜。就比如说,上个拜日,我竟然有机会拍模特儿,这是平凡又胆卓的我从来也不会去想的东西。一早就把我的NIKON D40藏在店里的LOCKER。过后放工前的半个小时就跑去NIKON CAMPAIGN举办的地方了。一到哪里,发现正如朋友所说一般,一堆UNCLE拿着他们引以为荣的大炮,瞄着那五位可爱又美丽的模特儿不停的开枪。结果一开始拿着手枪的我真得不敢动手,加上我又找不到我的朋友。。不过后来觉得机不可失,还是开枪了。。哈哈。。说实在的,当时真的感觉很不好意思,不过真的很开心啦!我根本没有勇气挤去前面拍照,而我的同伴都差不多和美女们零度距离拍照,靠,他们真的很敢咯!年轻真好,哈哈哈哈|||| 因为真的很紧张,相机的SETTING一直调不好,拍了80几罢了。下面是几张觉得算ok的咯!不说了。


Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Recently, I have get a part-time job at adidas classic shop. i found out i know nothing about Adidas~it is true. so i do a visit to its official website, to understand what is "Adidas" , try very to recognize some the products. At first i thought that it shud be very bored, but wow, i realize it is actually so entertain, i can watch short clips, play games, beside learning the history of adidas. Wonder how they make their website so innovative. found these games, quite fun.
shopping cart Bob
Dive Bomb
I need be more brave, yea~
Monday, May 26, 2008
virus and trojan love me!!!
one day, i was just so free then decide walk around with housemate and take some photo of sunway city~the story begin with we saw some so call"art" at the wall beside a college~then we passs by a bar~then go over the bridge~take some photo of the roadway..cars..lights..sky~then attract by a bus stop~with a burgar ad~my story end here~LOL!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Bleach opening 6 - ALONES
Your fragile, folded wings
are just tired from the pure blue sky.
You don't have to force your smile to everyone
It is ok to smile... for yourself.
Hearing your sweet voice didn't always hurt.
It is to late to block it from the inside.
I want to take back our time, but luck and karma are against me.
They are no words, but your eye can't hide what you want to say.
I don;t even know anymore...
Try to bury it deep down, okay?
We don;t need that sky if we're free to swim.
Even if u won;t talk about yesterday,
i will still be there to meet u tomorrow.
Your fragile, folded wings
are just tired from the pure blue sky.
You don't have to force your smile to everyone
It is ok to smile... for yourself.
(One of my favorite bleach opening!! Alones by Aqua Timez .Bleach rocks!!!!)
Thursday, May 8, 2008
A boy who live in sin city..

~this my one of my 3d modeling work~
~he is a 3d character who named Terry~
~a boy who born in a sin city in 2010, he don't who or where his
parents are.They maybe already die or not even exist,because at that
time the almost half of the world is clone human.
~he has been live with a chemical engineer who everyone call him
Zint. But one day, Zint die in a accident and then Terry became lonely again. He
was only 8 years old at that moment.
~and so although he is young but Terry already act and think like adult,without any
one to depend on.
~actually this is not a complete work,so much error i didn't fix. i should add cloth and some
equipment to him in order to enhance his characteristic and clear about where his from.
if not, he just look like a ordinary boy who look evil.*he really look very evil,i didn't
mean to make him so evil(_ " _)*
~however,i like my this character, as just haven't finish him. hope i can pick up my heart to
finish him,i m too lazy~ZZZZZ

Saturday, May 3, 2008
my character design

He is a dwarf 's prince .He can use simple ice magic beside of his powerful strength.This is my first time to draw a dwarf.I color it using photoshop. Done by 8 hour,using my tiny tablet(Bamboo). My hand was so painful because i didn't use the proper way to draw..i draw it one stroke by one stroke until i feel nice.After my first coloring,i feel that is it a bit flat,because it don't have lighting and shadow. So,i draw the lighting at the of him and the reflection of the blue light on the metal that he wear. Actually i want to change some part of him like his shoulder(proportion problem) and add detail to his battle ax !!It should be nicer and cooler but see lar..haha..that all!!
China famous Manhwa Artist Benjamin
Friday, March 28, 2008
hey..i wan to share this website with ppl who view mmy blog..
くそ:[kuso] (ad.v)出自日本語; 原意是「可惡、糞、X的」等罵人 的話, 現又用來形容一些令人"會心一笑"的事物~ 也有惡搞~搞笑之意~
View it when ever u want to laugh
View it when ever u want to laugh
happybirthday to garo..^^

why do i want to start this blog??haha,i think maybe i can learn something from this..there r so many thing to learn..and my brain r so small..lolx
what to say??erm..yea..yesterday i went watch a movie..alone..lolx..(sad again)..ALONG PTE LTD..梁自强电影 act by a singapore artist范文芳and 李国煌( “不要再叫我AH GUA我跟你讲喔。相不相信叫你妈妈躺在这里,你明天会叫我做爸爸!”) hahas.. every time he say this sure being beat by ppl..this is a black comedy..which will make u laugh until very loud and touch..Fann Wong is really a good actress..i still remember her another movie called JUST FOLLOW LAW(我在政府部门的日子)a Singapore comedy...which she act as Tanya chew,the directer of the Events and Promotion of Work Allocation Singapore (WAS)..wow..she is so "elastic"..this time she act as a leader of Ah Longs (money-lenders) triad..she is being so rude in this movie..(but i still like her..lolx)..so..what i want to say is who haven watch these two movies shud watch it..it worth ur time..(i wonder why 梁自强 always create movie that have moral value behind the scene..)lol
erm..yesterday is my birthday..pass ler..know what..i drink Pokka cappuccino to celebrate..TT lolx
so,it is so late now..(actually i always sleep after 3a.m.)i shud stop now.(.is it like this?i mean i remember my secondary composition letter always end like this de.).lolx..i think i will post more things to share...no matter got ppl see or not..lolx..
erm..yesterday is my birthday..pass ler..know what..i drink Pokka cappuccino to celebrate..TT lolx
so,it is so late now..(actually i always sleep after 3a.m.)i shud stop now.(.is it like this?i mean i remember my secondary composition letter always end like this de.).lolx..i think i will post more things to share...no matter got ppl see or not..lolx..
Monday, March 24, 2008
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