(Grrrrr....my chinese input got problem again)
~Nvm,i still can use my broken english~
~yesterday play at meetoto with frenz untill so crazy~
~we curse ppl, sing funny song, "Ba" "xiao mei mei",dirty joke,prentend DJ~
~whatever we normal didnt dare to do,we did there..(the follower of KRAUSER)
~the benefit of online games?LOL~

~take all this photo when riding "lan che" with family at genting.
~i like the lighting effect that i get.
~have use photoshop to make some LOMO FEEL~
~remind me what Natalie Portman has mention in a movie call "The Closer".Which is didn't relate with my photo..
~she said "photography is a Lie, it is a bunch of sad strangers photographed beautifully...and all the glittering assholes who appreciate art...say it's beautiful because that is what they want to see. But the people in the photos are sad...and alone..but the pictures make the world seem beautiful.....
~is it truth?actually i got abit agree with her..XP